What is your shipping policy?


Seasonal truffle shipments arrive in Singapore within two days of being harvested from the Château de La Fuye truffle orchard. The season runs from around early December to the end of January. We take the quality and freshness of our French Black Winter Truffles extremely seriously.


As well as servicing the Singapore and Hong Kong market, Truffes de La Fuye are sold in Paris, to various Michelin-acclaimed restaurants. Truffles sold in Paris are collected from La Fuye and delivered within one day.

Are La Fuye truffles organic?

We are currently undergoing the official certification with the French organic regulatory body Agence BIO.

How do I order wholesale?

There is a rarity to truffles which is part of their magic, but we are currently taking pre-orders for the next season.

Why are truffles so expensive?

Black Truffles are considered to be one of the most luxurious foods in the world. They have a fixed market price that fluctuates and changes weekly (as a rule, they are always most expensive in the run-up to Christmas). They are not easy to cultivate - they grow below ground, near the roots of trees. They have a pungent aroma, which is detected by highly trained trained dogs, or pigs. Once found, the truffle must be carefully dug out. The season is short because they must be harvested in winter when they are most ripe. Scarcity and heavy demand makes truffles highly prized.

What IS a truffle?

The truffle is a subterranean mushroom that grows in the soil around certain slow-growing trees. There are many different types of truffles (see our page here) but the most prized type, after white, is ours: the Black Winter Truffle (Tuber melanosporum).

How long do truffles keep for?

About a week. They are best enjoyed as soon as they’ve been harvested: if you’re the lucky recipient of a truffle, eat it as soon as you possibly can and resist the temptation to keep it, which a lot of people make the mistake of doing. They slowly deteriorate once they’re out of the ground. Store them in an airtight container in the fridge, wrapped lightly in kitchen paper that need changing, daily.

What do truffles taste like?

Truffles have a strong, earthy flavour that is considered to be delicious. Despite their strength of flavour, there is also a subtlety to them.

What is Truffle Honey?

La Fuye’s Bees Truffle Honey is a new venture for us. Unlike truffle oil, truffle honey is made from real truffles (our Black Winter Truffles, no less). The honey is from our own hives hidden in the woodland here at La Fuye; it’s a wonderfully mild honey, so light enough to carry the delicate flavour and fragrance of truffles. The honey is harvested and then infused with truffles - giving it a unique earthy flavour and aroma. It adds depth to lots of dishes and is delicious with blue cheese, works well drizzled on prosciutto, it is great in marinades…etc. Once opened truffle honey keeps well in a cool dark place but, as with all natural products, its fragrance will diminish over time.